From the Desk: Matt Hinsley - Music & Belonging | GuitarCurriculum

Playing Together.
Playing Beautifully.

From the Desk: Matt Hinsley - Music & Belonging

Matt Hinsley sitting on Stage.

From the Desk is an Austin Classical Guitar (ACG) and series that explores the organization through the eyes of the staff members. These articles focus on the staff’s thoughts and motivations, and hopefully provides a chance to get to know the people behind the scenes.

This week’s From the Desk is written by ACG and’s Executive Director, Matt Hinsley.

I’m constantly amazed by music.

I truly believe that in spite of its gentleness, music possesses a superpower. And that’s the superpower of belonging.

Today I saw pictures of a local middle school in a clinic with one of our staff members as they prepare to open for an upcoming major event. Yesterday I heard from a new partner school in Cambodia where they’ll soon be learning guitar. The day before that our Director of Music & Healing asked for a donation of a laptop to an area homeless shelter where he’d met a former music teacher who is hoping to reconnect with composing. The day before that our Performance Engagement Artist played for eighty supporters of the arts and told stories of the school programs he’s visited.

The stories go on and on.

And in each case, be it teacher, performer, donor, student, or staff member, we find belonging together as we work to bring beauty into the world through music.

Last Sunday our local newspaper, the Austin American Statesman, published a major article about ACG Education—along with some fun insights into my personal history with music and service.

As part of the reporting they sent a video team into one of our new juvenile justice center programs that works with incarcerated youth. You can find the whole news story online here, but I’d especially like to share this video with you.

If you watch it, I’d like to invite you to think about belonging.

And I’d love your thoughts about music and belonging on my newest thread in our Teacher Forum!