Scales & Exercises

The scales in level 8 and can be played with 'p' strokes on strings 4, 5 and 6 and i-m alternation on strings 1, 2 and 3 or alternated throughout. If students are alternating on the bass strings, sometimes an adjustment of the stroke angle needs to be made to avoid a 'scraping' sound.

All of the scales included are moveable 'closed' scales (no open strings). Information on other keys that the patterns can be used for is also included. For example, if you move the A Major Scale (2 Octave) up two frets and start on the 7th fret of the 6th string, that will be a B Major Scale.

Although scales are an important part of any instrumentalist's development, beautiful ensemble music making should always be the priority in a classroom.

Upper Position Scales