G Major Scale (Two Octave)

This video demonstrates how to teach and perform the two-octave G Major Scale in first position. The first octave is played on strings 4-6 using right hand thumb. The second octave is played on strings 1-3 using IM alternation. The full two-octave scale is incorporated into the level 4 scale sheet.

Review proper Thumb Stroke for good tone with P finger.

Isolate the moment in the scale when students switch from using P to (4th finger F# on string 4).

Pay close attention to the right wrist when switching from P to IM alternation. Students will have a tendency to bend the wrist up during this change.

Consider splitting students into three groups and playing this scale ascending and descending in a round. Have each group begin after the previous group has played through the first two notes of the scale. Playing this scale in a three part round creates triadic harmony and reinforces togetherness in the ensemble.

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