This video demonstrates how to correctly perform a P stroke on an open string 3 with "robust" tone. This sequence starts out by having the class get into the proper. Right hand is in the fixed finger position with the wrist, straight and arched. Next the teacher demonstrates the P stroke while informing the class that "the thumb moves from the big knuckle and ends up on top of the index finger." Use those words exactly. The class then executes thumb strokes with the teacher followed by several repeated strokes as a class. This is an excellent time to address any individual technical errors or correct any tone issues that students may have.
1. P begins on string 3.
2. The tip of P travels straight down, through the string, to rest on the tip-joint of I.
3. The stroke utilizes all three joints of the P in conjunction.
4. P is replaced on string 3 as a separate impulse following the stroke.
5. P travels straight down to I, and then straight back to the string. It does not move up and away from the string, or move in a circular motion.
6. The wrist remains straight and does not lose elevation during this or any other stroke.
In the next video we'll take a look at the 'I' stroke.