4a. Alternation - Introduction | GuitarCurriculum
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4a. Alternation - Introduction

Alternation - Introduction

This video demonstrates how to effectively teach I-M alternation on one string. I-M alternation and right hand String Crossing are the two primary technical concepts of Level 3 in the curriculum. Although I-M alternation and string crossing are taught at the same time, it is important that students be taught to alternate on one string with thumb remaining planted on string 5. In this video the teacher has the class alternate on one string before incorporating string crossing.

Please see the Level 3 Sequence Document that provides detailed information on how to effectively introduce I-M alternation and string crossing and common pitfalls associated with this new technical skill.

Demonstration on introducing I-M Alternation technique.

Helpful Hints

Quality IM Alternation rests on excellent individual I and M strokes. Review I Stroke and M Stroke videos.
